19 September 2024,   05:16
Government meeting was held under the chairmanship of Irakli Garibashvili

The Members of the Cabinet of Ministers discussed 15 agenda topics during the Government meeting, which was held under the chairmanship of Georgian Prime Minister Irakli Garibashvili.

At the meeting, a project was discussed, according to which oncology surgery, both planned and emergency operations, will be financed for all oncology patients (with the exception of persons insured with budget funds) throughout the country. Among these are insured veterans and patients whose annual revenues exceed 40,000 GEL.

Since the relevant decision was made in August 2023, hormonotherapy, chemotherapy, laser therapy, and medications have been financed for all oncology patients throughout the country. Today, according to the amendments approved by the Government of Georgia, financing for chemo/hormone/laser therapies and medications will be equally accessible for citizens.

With said decision, treatment of oncological diseases within the scope of the universal healthcare program will be equally accessible for all beneficiaries regardless of their revenues.

The Members of the Cabinet of Ministers also discussed a project setting new standards for providers of dental services. On the initiative of the Health Ministry, the rules for starting practice and operating will be stricter. The goal of these amendments is to protect patient safety and ensure services meeting modern standards.

According to the amendments, criteria necessary for infection prevention, control, sterilization-disinfection, and medical waste management are updated, specified, and defined in greater detail for dental clinics. To better manage the process, it will be mandatory to designate a person responsible for infection control in clinics.

Dental clinics will be obligated to ensure its staff’s prophylactic immunization for hepatitis B and screening for hepatitis C once a month.

The requirements defined in the amendments for currently operating dental offices and clinics will come into force starting in January 2024. New establishments, however, will be able to start operating only by complying with these standards.

At the meeting of the Georgian Government, the matter of granting ownership of spaces in shared use to 75 refugee families (196 persons) was discussed. The property to be handed over is located in Tbilisi and Tskneti Settlement. During the conversation, the Prime Minister emphasized that creating decent living conditions for refugee families is one of the main priorities of the Government. Consequently, this process will actively continue to make sure that not a single refugee family remains without the state’s attention.

In addition, a project for the development and support of five HPPs was discussed at the meeting, for the implementation of which technical and economic studies must be conducted. The cumulative installed capacity of the HPP presented at the Government meeting is over 118 MW, while the total amount to be invested exceeds 167 million USD.

With the successful completion of technical and economic studies, the projects will be implemented in the Shida Kartli Region, namely Kareli, Khashuri, and Kaspi Municipalities.