16 September 2024,   22:58
Our ultimate goal is naturally a full integration of the country into the European Union – Garibashvili

Our ultimate goal is naturally a full integration of the country into the European Union, said today the Prime Minister of Georgia, while talking about the European Commission’s positive recommendation regarding the granting of status to Georgia.

“Once again, I wish to clearly note on behalf of the Government and our team that we will continue coordination with our European friends. It is, of course, very incentivising for us and it may be said that we are thrilled that the European Commission assessed the situation and made the only right, decent, prudent and wise decision by issuing a positive recommendation on granting us the status.

Our ultimate goal is naturally a full integration of the country into the European Union; accession to the EU, which required further more efforts, of course. It is a lengthy process, which will not end in 1 or 2 years. It is a multi-year process, which requires consolidation of our people and our government, entire authorities, effective governance and reforms to be continued that we have been implementing over the past 11 years.

It will ultimately lead to a full Europeanisation of the country. Transformation of our country should continue and our ultimate goal and our great, main dream is to have our country united. It is our main goal, which we are getting closer day by day. I believe that today’s achievement and historic step makes us closer to the great, common, national goal. Once again, I wish to thank everyone, our team and congratulate every citizen of ours living on this land on the historic victory and recognition witnessed today. We received a well-deserved status, one that our strong and proud Georgia people deserve!”, - said Irakli Garibashvili.