16 September 2024,   22:49
Now, it is up to the ruling party the opposition, to work together constructively towards fulfilling the aspirations of the people - Paweł Herczyński

The European Union Ambassador to Georgia said “we are one family, the future of Georgia is in the EU”, noting the bloc was “fully committed” to help the country build “a better future” after the European Commission recommended the European Council to grant Georgia its membership candidate status next month.

“My sincere congratulations to all political leaders in Georgia. My sincere congratulations to the government, to the opposition, to the Parliament, to the President, to the civil society, and to you – to the media, but first and foremost - to the people of Georgia, who have always, consistently, in an unwavering way, supported Georgia’s European path.

This is a big recognition from the European Union of the progress achieved within the last years. European aspirations are uniting all Georgians. I have not met one single Georgian citizen who did not wish that their country be granted candidate status.

At the same time, we should not forget that the recommendation to grant Georgia the candidate status is linked to fulfilling important steps. Addressing these steps will be crucial to move to the next stage. This is the nature of the enlargement process: constant reform so that the country can be ready to take its place as a full member of the European Union.

While the report acknowledges the progress made by Georgia, it also underlines that important work remains to be done in essential reform areas such as the rule of law, the freedom of the media, and holding free and fair elections. The report also highlights how important it is for Georgia to fight against disinformation, particularly disinformation targeted against the European Union.

To do this, Georgia will need to reduce political polarisation. When united you can do really great things.

Now, it is up to Georgia’s leaders, the ruling party and the opposition, to work together constructively towards fulfilling the aspirations of the people and deliver on the new steps set by the European Commission. The enlargement of the EU over the past years have demonstrated: once there is a broad political consensus that can deliver on reforms, the process can move very quickly. These steps are not to please Brussels. They are to improve the lives of the people of Georgia. They are to improve the quality of Georgian state.

Georgia has embarked on a journey toward the EU membership. We will continue supporting you every step of the way.