16 September 2024,   22:50
Justice Minister, Rati Bregadze reported to the Parliament within the Ministerial Hour

The Justice Minister, Rati Bregadze reported to the Parliament within the Ministerial Hour concerning the upheld reforms and outlined plans. Speaking about the service development sphere, he accentuated the measures undertaken in view of the extension of the geographic area of the Public Service Halls and simplification of the access to the services countrywide.

According to him, regardless of the whereabouts, the citizens in rural and urban areas enjoy equal access to all the services. Unlimited access to the services is as well provided in the penitential departments – PSH branches serve the convicts and the officers.

“In 2012, we had 12 Public Service Halls altogether but we intend to reach 131 as of 2024”, - he stated.

In the report, the Minister concentrated on the land system registration, which envisages free registration of land plots for the citizens in 59 municipalities.

The reporter dwelt on the notary service and increased number of notaries; he overviewed the measures undertaken in view of the engagement of the civil sector, universities and professional circles in the activity of the Ministry and underlined the importance of provision of the citizens with information about the ongoing and scheduled activities.

He touched upon the importance of access to education for the convicts and noted that a unique project has been launched for the penitentiaries – “digital university”, which allows the inmates to online study at the Universities of Georgia.

“This project is yet another step for resocialization since education is a key to it”.

The Minister overviewed the updated rehabilitation programs for higher efficiency of resocialization of the probationers, former prisoners and diverted persons. Speaking about the probation system reform, he noted that for the first time in the European region this year, the appearance of the Probation Bureau will be accompanied by the entry of the probationers to the alternative premises with fingerprint and face identifiers.

The Ministry achieved significant progress at international fora in all directions, including the international activities of the penitentiary and probation system. As for the EU integration steps, the reporter noted that in view of the effective coordination of the legal approximation process with the EU, the draft legal changes have been developed and submitted to the Parliament envisaging the Ministry to coordinate the approximation process.

“The e-program has been developed allowing the management of the harmonization process, accumulation of information and measurement of the legal approximation progress”.

The reporter emphasized the protection of the state interests in the international courts and noted that Georgia achieved significant success in cases vs. Russia within the reporting period.

“Protection of the state interests in the international courts is one of the key functions of the Ministry and our steps are praiseworthy at the level of the Ministry and also the national level. As for the August War, Georgia won all cases and I would like to congratulate you on this victory, achieved during the governance of the Georgian Dream in fighting against the occupation”.

The inter-state claim filed against Russia in re the so-called protracted occupation, which also includes the cases of Tatunashvili, Otkhozoria and Basharuli was declared fully admissible by the Strasbourg Court on April 20, 2023.

“We aspire to fight using all legal leverage to ensure the protection of the rights of each person violated during the war”.

According to him, yet another priority is ensuring the legal security of the country, which, first of all, implies the prevention of legal risks. This year, the Ministry has held legal expertise of up to 400 agreements concluded by the Government and none of them were subject to the litigations.

“Every success is achieved by the persons that strive behind the scenes in the Ministry and I would like to thank each of them. We ensure the improvement of their working and social condition”, - the Minister noted.