08 September 2024,   03:20
UNM is collapsing, this is not accidental, this is the task that Kezerashvili is performing: the plan is to bring down UNM in order to bring another political force forward - Kobakhidze

[David] Kezerashvili is one of the main figures, instead of financing the strengthening of the party, in fact, he is deliberately financing the dissolution of the party. Such a statement made today the Chairman of Georgian Dream, while talking about the current processes in the United National Movement [UNM].

“The UNM is disintegrating. According to our observation, this is not an accidental process. This is the task that Kezerashvili is performing. There is such a plan to bring down the UNM in order to bring another political force forward.

Electing such an odious figure as [Levan] Khabeishvili to the post is connected to this. The rest of the processes related to the disintegration of the party is a deliberate process, the purpose of which is to bring down the party UNM in order to strengthen another wing of UNM which is not called UNM.

Basically, this is the block we were talking about. This includes Salome Zourabichvili, Nino Lomjaria, [Mamuka] Khazaradze, [Giorgi] Gakharia, the supposed unity looks like this, although the process is doomed to failure. The UNM is the UNM, the collective UNM is made up of which parties, the society knows very well. Therefore, nothing can be changed by this shifts. In the end, nothing can be changed”, - said Irakli Kobakhidze.