08 September 2024,   03:51
Hungary has a different position regarding Ukraine, but this cannot be reflected in their position regarding Georgia - Kobakhidze

Hungary has a different position regarding Ukraine, but this cannot be reflected in their position regarding Georgia. Such a statement made today the Chairman of the Georgian Dream.

“During our visit to Hungary, we were once again told that, of course, Hungary is generally a supporter of our country’s European integration, and in this particular case, it will definitely support the granting of EU candidate status to Georgia. This is Hungary’s firm position.

Besides, Hungary’s position is that under no circumstances should all countries be considered in one basket. They have a different position regarding Ukraine, but this cannot be reflected in their position regarding Georgia, Moldova or Bosnia.

Hungary supports the granting of candidate status to our country, the opening of negotiations with Moldova and the recommendation issued by the European Commission regarding Bosnia - to open negotiations later, with reservations. Last year too, all 3 countries were in one basket, you remember.

The candidate status of all 3 countries was considered in one basket, but Ukraine and Moldova were given candidate status, but Georgia was not. Even then it was one basket in that sense, there is no difference this year.

Why did no one protest inside or outside the country that Georgia was unfairly removed from the basket? Why are now the same people talking with such insistence that the issue of ours and other countries should be discussed in one basket?”, - said Irakli Kobakhidze.