08 September 2024,   03:54
Nugzar Tsiklauri leaves the United National Movement

Nugzar Tsiklauri leaves the United National Movement [UNM]. The relevant statement he made in the interview to PalitraNews TV.

“I think that the history related to the UNM has already ended. It is very sad that I have to say this, but the current administration of the UNM, its management, has rejected its own history, its own traditions. I think that it has undermined its own foundation, which this organization of European aspirations has always relied on. After it has rejected both its own constituents and the principles and ideals which have always characterized it, I think there is no truth left there. Therefore, my political life is no longer connected with the UNM.

During the whole 9 months, I tried my best not to allow the devaluation of the values, including democratic values, associated with the UNM. The management in the party rejected its own political council, past and history, rejected tens of thousands of its own voters, we saw the position of the party members, even after that the new management did not hear anything. Those people who are currently in the leadership of the UNM have not understood the political responsibility and obligation that they had been assigned.

These people cannot respond to the challenges of time. The complete dissolution of the political council and governing structures indicates that such a political force, if successful, will also dissolve the parliament or other democratic institutions.

It is very difficult when people associate most of their lives with one political party and then easily decide to leave. We tried everything to make the management come to their senses.

Unfortunately, principles were not the main thing for them and they turned out to be short-term goal oriented. I don"t think that will bring something. During all these 9 months, I tried not to have such a collision, not to bring the situation to this point. The special developments started when the political council was illegally dissolved. Bolshevization of this party took place. We have tried many times, but they seem to have completely different goals and those goals are not related to the challenges”, - said Nugzar Tsiklauri.