08 September 2024,   03:56
From today our fellow citizens and foreign visitors will be able to see such masterpieces as Khakhuli Triptych, Ancha Icon, Atskuri Icon of Theotokos (Virgin Mary) – Garibashvili

Our fellow citizens and foreign visitors will be able to see such masterpieces from now on as Khakhuli Triptych, Ancha Icon, Atskuri Icon of Theotokos (Virgin Mary). It was stated by the Prime Minister of Georgia while delivering a speech at the inauguration of the Christian Treasure Chamber at the National Museum of Georgia.

According to Irakli Garibashvili, Christian treasure had been created over centuries with advanced technologies, knowledge and splendid taste of Georgian masters, which has been transferred from one generation to another over the course of the history.

“Metropolitan Shio, Bishops, Dear Friends, Members of Government and Parliament, Distinguished Audience, Media Representatives, let me greet and welcome you all! I wish to congratulate you on this truly milestone event in the public and cultural life of our country. We have inaugurated the Christian Treasure Chamber of the Golden Fund of Georgia today.

Our fellow citizens and foreign visitors will be able to see such masterpieces from now on as Khakhuli Triptych, Ancha Icon, Atskuri Icon of Theotokos (Virgin Mary)

Christian treasure has been created over centuries with advanced technologies, knowledge and splendid taste of Georgian masters of medieval times, which has been transferred from one generation to another over the course of history. These masterpieces evidence the uninterrupted tradition of Christian art in Georgia and a connection with antique traditions. Close links of our country with the antique world have significantly conditioned the place of our country in the Christian world and European path of development.

Georgia of medieval times, being a key strategic country, has a history reflected in its art, which has been maintaining its individual national traditions with traditions of the humankind.

Each artifact exhibited in the treasure has its own history. They had been kept at churches and monasteries over centuries. Later, especially in Soviet times, they were deposited at museums. Georgian scientists managed to save this unique treasure and national pride even in the conditions of communist rule with their selfless work and - often - sacrifice to maintain them for the future generations”, - said the Prime Minister.

As he noted, research and study as well as protection of the treasure is of course related to such celebrated scientists as Eqvtime Takaishvili, Giorgi Chubinishvili, Shalva Amiranashvili and others.

“I wish to particularly single out the deeds of St. Eqvtime Takaishvili. You may well be aware that he pampered this treasure of our country in the most difficult conditions of emigration during 25 years. For this tremendous merit, you all know, our Mother Church canonized him as a saint and named him St. Eqvtime - The Man of God.

Let me repeat that this event is dedicated to 46th Anniversary of Enthronement of our precious Patriarch and 90th Anniversary from his birth, as the Director of the Museum has already told us. Special attitude of His Holiness to the past and knowledge is commonly known to all.

I wish to thank everyone, who contributed to the upgrade of the vaults for the Golden Fund - David Lordkipanidze, Director of the Museum, Nika, Metropolitan Vakhtang, Father Kirion, our church, patriarchy, Thea [Tsulukiani, the Minister] and everyone. I do not want to miss anyone who contributed to this most significant effort. Once again, let me congratulate the public on this milestone achievement - inauguration of the Christian Treasure Chamber”, - concluded Irakli Garibashvili.

Audience was also addressed by Metropolitan Shio Mujiri, Patriarchal Locum Tenens and Bishop of Senaki and Chkhorotsku; David Lordkipanidze, Director General of the National Museum of Georgia; Nika Akhalbedashvili, Director of the State Museum of Arts of Georgia Named After Shalva Amiranashvili.

The Prime Minister walked through the exhibition space of the Christian Treasure Chamber in the State Museum of Arts of Georgia Named After Shalva Amiranashvili, which has medieval Georgian Christian treasure on display. It was created over centuries and transferred from generation to generation. Artifacts include: rare examples of iconography of partition enamel, as well as church items for rituals. Visitors now have the opportunity to see the icons of the Anchi Savior and Khakhuli Theotokos (Virgin Mary), a cross worn by King David Aghmashenebeli, the icon of the Mother of God of Tsilkani Theotokos (Virgin Mary) Icon, Bedia Chalice, a cross worn by Queen Tamar and other treasures.

Event was attended by Thea Tsulukiani, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Culture, Sports and Youth of Georgia; MP Eliso Bolkvadze, Parliamentary Committee Chair for Culture and clergy of the country.