16 September 2024,   22:53
Amidst such difficult challenges all over the world, we succeeded in ensuring peace, made most significant steps forward for the development of Georgia – Garibashvili

The Prime Minister of Georgia extends his New Year greetings to the citizens of the country.

“It was a truly special year of abundant success and progress in the recent history of our country.

Amidst such difficult challenges all over the world, we succeeded in ensuring peace and made most significant steps forward for the development of our country. As a result of joint efforts made by our people and authorities, Georgia now stands as an outstanding leader globally with its economic advancement and democracy. These developments have been crown-jeweled by the status of an EU Candidate Country, which has been granted in recognition of our united efforts based on dignity and truth, thus being a historic event for the country. This achievement, which has been backed by the great legacy of our ancestors, not only defined the irreversible, better future and decent role of Georgia in the family of free nations of Europe, but drew the new contours of the EU itself.

And now, when Georgia is so close to the achievement of its national goals as never before, we welcome the New Year of 2024 with new hopes, aims and goals; we welcome it with anticipation and readiness to work hard again for achieving these national goals in the most efficient manner.

If anything is casting a shadow on our festive mood today, it is the wars waged in Israel and Ukraine. I want to wish peace to our brotherly nations of Israel and Ukraine in the coming year.

As they say, wishes are destined to come true on the New Year’s Eve and I am confident that any wish - big, small or personal - made by our heroic soldiers equally heroic policemen, fire-fighters, our compassionate doctors and healthcare professionals, dignified representatives of the education, science, arts and culture systems, our praiseworthy sportsmen, civil servants, veterans, farmers and constructors, or our dear expats living overseas, along with their thoughts are all about Georgia and therefore undividable. Unconditional love of our homeland is what unites us not only with each other, but with our great ancestors and future generations.

Strong, united and developed, European state to be built with our Abkhaz and Ossetian brothers and all the people living on this land should again be based solely on this unity. That is why, role played by each of you in this process is irreplaceable and unique.

Dear Friends, please accept my heart-felt well-wishing for 2024. I wish greater advancement, empowerment, unification to our homeland, while happiness, sound health, peace and prosperity to you and your families.

God be our protector!”, - says Irakli Garibashvili in his New Year’s greetings.