16 September 2024,   22:51
Our cooperation with China is extremely important from various points of view - Kobakhidze

Our cooperation with China is extremely important from various points of view, political cooperation with China is important for us, economic cooperation is important for us. Such a statement made today the Chairman of Georgian Dream.

“Within the framework of the official visit to China, we met with the head of the international department of the ruling party, Minister Liu Jianchao, as well as the deputy minister, and we also had a meeting with the leadership of the Research Center under the State Council. It is very interesting to talk about deepening cooperation.

The previous year was historic in terms of deepening relations between China and Georgia.

A strategic partnership agreement was signed, and our goal is, naturally, to ensure the proper implementation of this cooperation agreement, and this is what our visit serves.

There are many areas where relations can be deepened, of course, it is important to deepen the political aspect, it is important to deepen economic relations and this should have very concrete and tangible results”, - said Irakli Kobakhidze.