29 June 2024,   12:14
Termination of the contract with contractor company will not affect the terms and traffic on Tsereteli Avenue will be fully restored within the stipulated time - Tbilisi City Hall

Tbilisi City Hall terminated the contract with the two contractor companies responsible for the rehabilitation of Tsereteli Avenue.

“Tbilisi City Hall, directly the Mayor Kakha Kaladze, has repeatedly made a statement regarding the irresponsible attitude of the contractor companies.

Almost all major infrastructure projects have problems with the contractor companies, so strict monitoring is carried out and the companies are warned, fined or terminated.

We are dealing with a similar case during the rehabilitation of Tsereteli Avenue, however, the termination of the contract with the contractor company will not affect the terms, and the traffic on Tsereteli Avenue will be fully restored within the stipulated time”, - reads the statement.