30 June 2024,   22:12
Ukraine will not win the war, they have are running out of people - Trump

US presidential candidate Donald Trump said that Ukraine will not win the war with Russia because the country is running out of people. At the same time, he claimed that Russia did not expand during his presidency. Trump said this at the debate with the US President Joe Biden.

Trump expressed a controversial opinion on the war between Ukraine and Russia. According to him, Russia expanded its territorial ambitions under previous administrations, but this did not happen during his presidency.

“Russia took a lot of land under Obama, under Biden. But not under me putin knew that he could not play with me. This war should never have started… Biden’s policy has led to a bad situation for Ukraine and has caused many casualties. Ukraine will not win the war. They are running out of people. It’s sad, they have lost so many people... Because of Biden’s stupid decisions”, - added Donald Trump.