01 July 2024,   03:09
The ruling team plans to adopt the Law on Amnesty

The ruling team plans to adopt an amnesty law. Such a statement the Prime Minister of Georgia made today at the plenary session of Parliament, while presenting his annual report.

“We have been working actively, the Ministry of Justice was actively involved in this process. A list of relevant articles and clauses from the Criminal Code of Georgia, which may be related to the release of persons under the amnesty rule, has already been compiled.

We are planning to initiate the corresponding bill in the next few days. We will probably have to discuss it at an extraordinary session in July, some issues will be discussed, and in July it will be possible to pass this draft law in the first reading, so that in September, the adoption of the amnesty law will be completed in three readings.

Today’s data is not optimal. We have close to 10,000 prisoners in penitentiary institutions and it is important that the number of prisoners is seriously reduced in the near future in order to bring it closer to the optimal European rate. For this purpose, it would be desirable to reduce the number of prisoners by at least 1/3, and we think that the amnesty law will make a serious contribution”, - said Irakli Kobakhidze.