29 June 2024,   11:09
Pakistan launches retaliatory strikes into Iran, with reports of seven killed

Pakistan has launched retaliatory missile strikes into Iran, reportedly killing seven people, after Iran carried out strikes in Pakistan late on Tuesday, writes BBC.

Pakistan said its strikes had hit “terrorist hideouts” in Iran’s Sistan-Baluchestan province. Three women and four children were killed, Iran state TV said.

The reciprocal air strikes come as tensions in the Middle East are high with several overlapping crises.

Pakistan and Iran have long accused each other of harbouring militant groups that carry out attacks from regions along their shared border. On Thursday, Pakistan’s foreign ministry confirmed its strikes, which Iranian media said took place around the city of Saravan. Pakistan said it had acted in light of “credible intelligence of impending large-scale terrorist activities” and said a number of “terrorists” were killed. It added that it “fully respects” Iran’s “sovereignty and territorial integrity” but its action on Thursday was “a manifestation of Pakistan’s unflinching resolve to protect and defend its national security against all threats”.