16 September 2024,   22:58
All European states, the EU as a whole, are interested in deepening economic and trade relations with China, so it is in our interest to think about our national interests - Garibashvili

All European states, including the European Union, are interested in deepening economic and trade relations with China, so it is in our interest to think about our national interests, Prime Minister of Georgia Irakli Gharibashvili told journalists in Davos.

“Yesterday evening, we took part in a dinner dedicated to the future of Europe, and in the future of Europe, of course, Georgia is also meant, since we are already a candidate country, and I presented them with my vision. A special place was given to Georgia. In this closed dinner format, everyone unanimously recognized the progress and progress we have made and once again congratulated everyone. This was the main context at Davos Forum - 2024.

We also heard assessments from various leading world economists and experts. This year, the world economy is expected to grow by 3%. Of course, the rapid growth of the Chinese economy is of great importance, which will also have a spillover effect on other regions and the world economy as a whole. We have a very successful relationship with China, last year I was in China and we took our partnership to a strategic level.

All European states, the European Union as a whole, are interested in deepening economic and trade relations with China, therefore, it is in our interest to think about our national interests. Let’s further develop the economy of our country. To overcome the difficulties that still exist, whether it is poverty or unemployment, we must reduce it even more. Our country needs more rapid development. Of course, peace and stability are very important. I would also like to point out that attracting direct foreign investments is very important for the economy of our country. In 2023, as you know, was a record year in this regard as well, and this pace needs to be maintained.

I also had a meeting with the President of Israel, with whom I spoke at length about the situation, and he also shared with us the latest information regarding the situation in the region. I had very interesting meetings with representatives and heads of various large companies, and I think that all this will continue, these issues need to be followed up. We have agreed on the specific dates when they will visit Georgia in order to make new investments in our country.

I think it was important for our country to participate in today"s panel as well, where we devoted a lot of time to the development of the Middle Corridor. Georgia is of great importance in the development of the Middle Corridor, since we are the gateway between Europe and Asia, we are the shortest connecting road, and of course, I once again mentioned about the big projects we are working on now, be it the Anaklia port project, the airport, or Other ongoing large projects, as well as the Black Sea cable project, which is very important in terms of connectivity”, - said Irakli Garibshvili.