16 September 2024,   22:55
Saakashvili is placed in a medical facility, not in a penitentiary, it is clear that no one can take him to Agmashenebeli Alley - Sarjveladze

The institution with the highest authority confirmed that there had been no place for [Mikheil] Saakashvili’s torture - Zelensky was misled, as well as the European Parliament. Such a statement made today the Chairman of the Human Rights Committee Chairman Mikheil Sarjveladze.

“They created an artificial ambiguity and tried to convince the whole world that Saakashvili was a victim of torture. The institution with the highest authority confirmed that no torture had taken place. At such a time, everyone understands very well that they were simply misled, for example, [Volodymyr] Zelensky and the European Parliament. 

To tell the truth, I would feel some discomfort in the place of the MEPs who initiated the resolution in this regard. It is a fact that no torture took place and this is clearly recorded… 

Security needs should be taken into account when it comes to the imprisonment rights, for example surveillance cameras. Regarding the right to walk, Saakashvili is placed in a medical facility, not in a penitentiary, and it is clear that no one can take him to Agmashenebeli Alley for a walk, this is impossible. As for the communication with prisoners, I don’t think that he has a great desire to communicate with prisoners”, - said Mikheil Sarjveladze.