16 September 2024,   22:53
Saakashvili who should be in prison, is in a 2-room ward in a clinic, this is a kind of positive discrimination - Kobakhidze

When it comes to the situation of [Mikheil] Saakashvili, it is a kind of discriminatory situation because he is privileged compared to other prisoners. Such a statement made today the Chairman of the Georgian Dream.

“This person should probably be in prison, but there are various factors, due to which the relevant agencies make a decision to leave him in a privileged position. This has its objective reasons and foundations, it seems. If we talk about discrimination, it is a kind of positive discrimination. A man who should be in prison is actually in a 2-room ward in a clinic. 

We often hear speculations about this topic, and here we should remember that Saakashvili is the creator of the system that was directly related to the torture of people in prisons, inhuman treatment, and such a person is currently placed in a two-room ward, which indicates the general progress that Georgia has experienced in the development of democracy and in the direction of human rights”, - said Irakli Kobakhidze.