16 September 2024,   22:51
Genius ideas are not being heard, but it’s good that we are discussing and not scratching each other’s faces - Elisashvili on meeting regarding 9 recommendations

Genius and special ideas are not being heard, but it’s good that we are discussing and not scratching each other’s faces. Such a statement made today the leader of Citizens, MP Aleko Elisashvili, who is participating in the meeting underway in the Parliament regarding 9 recommendations.

“The EU told us that in December 2024, it will be discussed whether negotiations regarding membership will be opened, and the Georgian Government must fulfill the remaining 9 points by December. We are talking about what the Parliament has to do, what role the opposition has. Although [Irakli] Kobakhidze was the speaker on the issue of depolarization, the conversation and discussion between Georgian Dream and the opposition is going very quietly, at least so far.

I didn’t hear any genius or special ideas regarding depolarization, but at least we are discussing and not scratching each other’s faces, it’s good. I don’t expect brilliant ideas, because I think that talking about reducing depolarization is not serious, because I don’t believe that depolarization will decrease in any way in an election year. However, there are other issues as well”, - said Aleko Elisashvili.