03 July 2024,   21:59
The first statements of the newly nominated Prime Minister are very promising, that the new Government is ready to work very hard in terms of the implementation of 9 steps - Pawel Herczynski

The first statements of the newly nominated Prime Minister are very promising, that the new Government, which we will have from the next week, is ready to sit down and work very hard with our help, with the help of the European Union, in order for Georgia to move forward in terms of the implementation of 9 steps. Such a statement made today the EU Ambassador to Georgia.

“We are all celebrating the fact that Georgia has officially become a candidate country for EU membership. The decision was made on December 14 last year at the level of the heads of states and governments of the EU. Along with this positive decision, the heads of state and government of the 27 member states approved 9 steps that Georgia should implement in order to move forward on the path to joining the EU.

It is up to the political elite of Georgia to decide how quickly they want to implement these 9 steps. For our part, we are ready to move forward as quickly as possible so that Georgia moves to the next stage this year. The next stage is the opening of accession negotiations, but this is not in our hands - it is not in the hands of the EU, Brussels - it is in the hands of the political elite of Georgia.

I want to repeat, we sincerely hope that this will be an inclusive work, in which all political forces will be involved, that, at the same time, the opposition will be constructive, civil society will be fully involved, and regardless of the elections, and it is quite natural that a lot of attention will be paid to the elections, the work will continue on implementing the 9 steps.

The first statements of the newly appointed Prime Minister are very promising, that the new government, which we will have from the end of next week, is ready to sit down and work very hard with our help, with the help of the EU, so that Georgia moves forward in terms of the implementation of 9 steps”, - said Pawel Herczynski.