29 September 2024,   07:42
Parliamentary delegation of the Western Balkans visits occupation line

A parliamentary delegation from countries of the Western Balkan region visited the village of Odzisi, near the occupation line.

Irakli Beraia, the Chairman of the Parliament’s Defence and Security Committee, accompanied the delegation, which is on visit for an inter-parliamentary conference on European integration between Georgia and the countries of the region in Tbilisi.

The delegation inspected the infrastructure illegally set up by the Russian occupation forces adjacent to the administrative line.

As Beraia said, the “visiting officials witnessed the results of the occupation, including the illegal constructions, closed passages and artificial barriers erected by the occupation forces”: “It was important” for visiting partners of the country to observe the cruel face of the Russian occupation on the spot, where the frontline of European security passes. The visit once again confirmed the need for the international community to increase pressure on Russia to end its occupation of the regions and respect its obligations under international law”.