28 September 2024,   05:26
It is wrong to miss an opportunity when ministers have to answer a specific question - Bokuchava

I think it would be better if the political groups and factions had the opportunity to meet separately, although we received a refusal from Shalva Papuashvili. Such a statement made today Tina Bokuchava, Chairperson of the United National Movement faction, at the meeting where the new composition of the Government is being heard.

“I understand that some opposition political parties have an identity problem, but I think it is wrong to miss an opportunity when ministers have to answer a specific question. Although this format is not acceptable to us, we will use every opportunity…

You know that one of the main powers of the Parliament is to listen to the Government and then approve it, so I think it would be better if political groups and factions had the opportunity to meet separately, although received a refusal from Shalva Papuashvili.

I want to thank the representatives of all political groups for their constructive approach”, - said Tina Bokuchava.