28 September 2024,   05:22
Economy is a matter of key importance for the development of Georgia, economic progress will be given special importance in the future as well – Kobakhidze

Economy is a matter of key importance for the development of our country, and in the future economic growth and economic progress will be given special importance. Such a statement the candidate for the post of Prime Minister made at the meeting with opposition.

“We are presenting a Government program that covers a ten-month period for obvious reasons. Parliamentary elections will be held in October, before that, the election program of Georgian Dream will be prepared. After the assembly of Parliament, we will present a new, 4-year Government program, where new initiatives will be outlined, which will be based on our election program.

It is essentially about bringing to the end the measures and initiatives that were written in the election program of 2020 and which were written in the Government program of 2021.

As you know, in the last 10 years we have gone through two of the most difficult crises - it was the crisis of 2015/2016, including the currency crisis, it was the COVID-related crisis of 2020/2021, and ultimately, we managed to overcome these crises and the economy grew significantly during the year.

Our nominal economy in USD has almost doubled in these 3 years, and rapid economic growth has given us the opportunity to qualitatively improve our economic and fiscal indicators.

Among them, the country’s external debt was radically reduced, if by 2020 the external debt was more than 60%, the ratio of Georgia’s external debt to the gross domestic product was reduced to 39.5%. Also, the budget deficit decreased from 9.3% to 2.5%. The current account deficit is below 5%, and the inflation rate for the last eight months is less than 1%.

Naturally, we will do everything in the future to maintain these optimal indicators, economic and fiscal indicators, and of course, maximum emphasis will be placed on further increasing the pace of economic development in our country. Specific measures should be taken for this. Implementation of specific initiatives has already started and will be brought to the end.

Special emphasis will be placed on further development of our strategic geographical location and our transit function, which is of particular importance for the advancement of the economy. In this regard, special attention will be paid to infrastructure development in various directions. It concerns roads, aviation transport, railways, communications”, - said Irakli Kobakhidze.