03 July 2024,   22:36
224,000 jobs were created in the business sector - Irakli Kobakhidze

224,000 jobs were created in the business sector alone, said the prime ministerial candidate Irakli Kobakhidze in his speech at the plenary session, while answering the questions of MPs.

“Employment in the business sector alone was 534,000 people in 2012, when Giorgi Vashadze was Adeishvili’s deputy, and 758,000 in 2023. This means that 224,000 jobs were created in the business sector alone. It’s not manipulation of numbers, It’s statistics. These people pay taxes in the budget.

If the budget was GEL 8.5 billion and now it is almost GEL 29 billion, not only you and I bring these taxes into the budget, people bring them. How many times do I repeat all this, and he himself is not attending this session [Giorgi Vashadze]”, - said Irakli Kobakhidze.