01 July 2024,   21:04
Parliament heard information about the implementation of the reports and recommendations issued by the State Audit Service

The Standing Audit Group on the Reports of the State Audit Service at the Budget and Finance Committee heard the SAS reports and information about the fulfillment of the issued recommendations.

The Head of the Efficiency Audit Department, Giorgi Kapanadze introduced the “Report on the Agrarian Insurance Program Development and Management Efficiency Audit” and overviewed the recommendations revealed upon the scrutiny of the field.

According to him, the audit period covers 2014-2021 and 73 ml GEL has been allocated for the agrarian insurance program during the reporting period distributed to up to 95 beneficiaries. He also introduced two recommendations:

The Rural Development Agency, in view of the monitoring of the insurance case administration process, in cooperation with the Environmental Ministry, shall ensure the improved operation of the insurance case data management system and accurate and regular update of data, as well as the establishment of due control on the identification of the agrarian insurance program risks and timely response mechanisms.

The Rural Development Agency, in cooperation with the Environmental Ministry and other parties concerned, shall ensure the categorization of the claims according to their context and the identification of the claims that cannot be regulated sufficiently within the system.

The Deputy Environmental Minister, Tengiz Nasaridze made elucidations concerning the recommendations. According to him, the Ministry has already been cognizant of the SAS conclusion and identified certain issues. Part of the recommendation is attributed to the technical and software aspect, which is under solution in collaboration with the donor organizations. Per his estimation, the final resolution is scheduled for the end of 2025.

The Leading Auditor, Nazi Chaganava introduced information developed by the Audit Group on Professional Development Efficiency Audit Report of the Medical Personnel. Per her information, the audit covered the Ministry of IDPs; the Ministry of Education; and the LEPL Agency for Medical and Pharmaceutical Activity Regulation for the period of 2018-2021.

The audit revealed certain findings and 6 recommendations were issued. The reporter overviewed the recommendations issued to the state agencies and dwelt on the expected outcomes of their fulfillment.