03 July 2024,   21:30
Neither Khazaradze, nor any other real opposition exist separately, these are units of the UNM, opposition is preparing for a complete collapse - Garibashvili

Neither [Mamuka] Khazaradze, nor any other real opposition exist separately, these are units of the United National Movement, the opposition is preparing for a complete collapse. Irakli Garibashvili announced this at the first briefing held in the office of the Georgian Dream as the Chairman of the party.

According to him, “the society should remember that when we talk about the opposition, we are talking about the most anti-national force that has a hard past”.

“When we talk about the opposition, I want to remind the public that we are talking about the most anti-national, anti-Georgian event, which caused the greatest misfortune to our country - this is the August war and occupation, 20% of our territories were handed over to Russia and our people were sacrificed for this war. Besides, you are all well aware of their heritage. It is torture, inhuman treatment, terrible terror, etc. Mr. [Mamuka] Khazaradze was a participant in all this”, - said Irakli Garibashvili.