03 July 2024,   21:06
It is a pity that just when Lelo is boycotting the parliamentary work, the door is opened to them in the EU office - Papuashvili

It is a pity that just when Lelo is boycotting the parliamentary work, the door is opened to them in the European Union office. Such a statement made today the Speaker of Georgian Parliament.

“It is not the first time that Lelo announces a boycott of democratic processes in the Parliament. It’s a pity that exactly when they are boycotting the parliamentary work, they are greeted at the EU office. This, of course, incites radicalism in Georgia.

Therefore, I would like our foreign partners to be as clear as possible at this time - those who are radicalizing cannot be received. We have a sad experience of this, this is not the first time, we remember that when Girchi, Strategy Aghmashenebeli, including Lelo, left their mandates, etc.

They were met with red carpets, unfortunately, in some offices. This incites radicalism and more radicalism. I am sure that Lelo will come out of this meeting even more radicalized, because it will consider that radicalism is an acceptable form for Europe, and therefore, it will continue such behavior”, - said Shalva Papuashvili.