03 July 2024,   21:40
Is this the example that the President should set for the country? The highest official, who should be the unifier of the country, turned out to be its disconnector - Papuashvili

The highest official of the country, who should be the unifier of the country, turned out to be the disconnector of the country, who practically shared the game of the radical opposition, said Chairman of the Parliament while presenting a report to the legislature.

“How sad it is that the institution, which is most responsible for protecting the national interests and institutions of the Constitution, achieving national consensus and unifying the country, is engaged in shameful radicalization.

Two weeks ago, we listened to Salome Zourabichvili from this tribune and her words once again left us with the emotion of heartbreak. Instead of a speech focused on national interests, we heard another attempt at political retribution, which further degraded the name and importance of the presidential institution.

The President of Georgia violated the Constitution when she started foreign political activities without the clear permission of the Government of Georgia. Our assessment was directly confirmed by the Constitutional Court of Georgia. The action of the President was an attempt to undermine the statehood of Georgia. This is not only a political issue, but also a matter of principle and national importance.

Salome Zourabichvili was openly pointed to the violation of the Constitution by the Parliament and the Constitutional Court, and yet she decided that her personal decision was higher than the Parliament, the Constitution, the Constitutional Court and national interests.

Let’s imagine for a second that, like Salome Zourabichvili, other branches of the government refuse to implement the decision of the Constitutional Court. Is this the example that the President should set for the country, the society, the next generation? Is this what she thinks of as Europe?

The highest official of the country, who is supposed to be the unifier of the country, turned out to be the disconnector of the country, who practically shared the game of the radical opposition by promoting radicalization and thereby significantly harmed not Georgian Dream, but the international image and interests of Georgia”, - said Shalva Papuashvili.