03 July 2024,   21:57
Once again, I express my solidarity with our friendly Ukrainian people, who have become victims of Russian military aggression and the greatest injustice – Kobakhidze

Once again, I express my solidarity with our friendly Ukrainian people, who have become victims of Russian military aggression and the greatest injustice, said the Prime Minister of Georgia at today’s Government meeting.

“On February 24, 2 years have passed since the beginning of the war in Ukraine. Once again, I express my solidarity with our friendly Ukrainian people, who have become victims of Russian military aggression and the greatest injustice, many Ukrainian military and civilian people have died, including hundreds of children, more than 10 million Ukrainians have become displaced and refugees, the vast majority of whom are women and children. Ukraine"s economy and infrastructure were destroyed, today it occupies 2.5 times more territory than Russia occupied before the war.

All this reminds us how great the price of peace is. During these 2 years, we also went through a kind of war, this war was against the radical opposition and its friends to maintain peace in the country.

Thank God, in this most difficult war, the state won, peace won, and our country has peace today, which creates the basis for the further progress and development of our country. I once again wish peace, sovereignty and territorial integrity to our friend Ukraine”, - said Irakli Kobakhidze.