26 June 2024,   18:13
NATO countries have started the largest anti-submarine warfare exercise in the Mediterranean Sea

Nearly 500 people from 7 nations are deployed for air operations during Exercise Dynamic Manta.

“As a result of iron-clad NATO alliance, aircrews from Canada, Germany, Greece, Italy, U.S., United Kingdom, Türkiye are gathered together for NATO’s largest and most complex anti-submarine warfare exercise in the Mediterranean Sea.

Yesterday at Naval Air Station Sigonella, teams came together to go over complex scenarios, training them to advance their capabilities in detecting, tracking, and hunting for enemy submarines.

In an ever-evolving underwater landscape, Exercise Dynamic Manta prepares crews to respond and adapt to any threat below the surface.

We are always ready and will be engaging in 24/7 operations over several days”, - reads the information of NATO Maritime Command.