27 July 2024,   04:44
When it comes to the banning of valuable terms, be it mother, father or son, there is an insidious idea behind it, to which our society must have and has an adequate reaction - Ionatamishvili on LGBT propaganda

When it comes to the banning of terms in conversation, the terms that are one of the most precious that exists, be it mother, father, son, etc. I think there is a very insidious idea behind this. Such a statement made Rati Ionatamishvili, MP from the Georgian Dream.

“When it comes to the banning of terms in the conversation, the terms that are one of the most valuable that exist, be it mother, father, son, etc.

I think there is a very insidious idea behind this, to which our society obviously should have and has a very healthy and adequate reaction. Radical opposition is devoid of values. They don’t have their own opinion and depend on voicing and voicing other people’s thoughts. This also shows their spiritual decadence”, - said Rati Ionatamishvili.