27 July 2024,   04:12
We need effective mechanisms of integration, removal of existing barriers in order to enable rapid integration of candidate countries into the EU - Botchorishvili

The Chair of the EU Integration Committee, Maka Botchorishvili attended the Inter-Parliamentary Conference on EU’s Common Security and Defense Policy (CSDP) and Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP) in Bruges, Belgium, and delivered a speech on the EU enlargement.

“It is noteworthy that we discuss the EU enlargement at the Conference on CSDP/ CFSP, which evidences that the safe future of the EU is in our unity, which requires uninterrupted enlargement of the peace and welfare area – EU”, - she stated.

She thanked the EU member states for their support and for granting the EU candidate status and dwelt on Georgia’s progress and the challenges our country encounters.

“The fight of Georgia for independence and sovereignty counts over 30 years. Despite the Russian aggression and the illegal occupation of the Georgian regions, we proved to have successfully ensured the transformation of the country, thus, putting it among the democratic states. However, our path to the ultimate goal is rocky. We remain loyal to the reforms and truly need the support of our allies and partners in this process”, - she stated.

Botchorishvili underlined the importance of the effective EU enlargement policy and the enactment of the candidate states’ economic and political integration mechanisms.

“Being in this extremely complex, turbulent and unpredictable world, time acquires utmost value and it shall not be wasted in misperceptions and formalities. The successful enlargement policy requires the immediate start of the negotiations with the candidate states on membership”, - she added.