26 June 2024,   18:14
Mamuka Mdinaradze on Zurab Adeishvili: "A person who is deeply associated with racketeering, torture, rape, and murder talks about the principles of Criminal Law with top European officials

Mamuka Mdinaradze on Zurab Adeishvili: "A person who is deeply associated with racketeering, torture, rape, and murder talks about the principles of Criminal Law with top European officials – he was at the head of this system together with Saakashvili.

I think that our European partners and colleagues should be careful when they listen to Adeishvili, let alone talk to him when he talks about the principles of criminal law; he is, in fact, talking about the principles of refining torture – nothing else can emerge from his mind, Parliamentary Majority Leader Mamuka Mdinaradze told journalists.
As Mamuka Mdinaradze pointed out, Adeishvili being spoken to about the principles of criminal law means that someone deliberately wants to stir up anti-European sentiments in Georgia.
According to him, it is ironic that today, Zurab Adeishvili raises some issues in the modern, civilized world.
“A person who is deeply associated with racketeering, torture, rape, and murder talks about the principles of criminal law with top European officials – he was at the head of this system together with Saakashvili. Talking to this person [Adeishvili] is insulting; nothing can spoil the pro-Western mood like a Georgian person seeing Adeishvili – a bloodless, cold-hearted torturer – talking about the principles of criminal law. I cannot imagine what could cause a greater insult or stir up more anti-Western and anti-European sentiment in Georgia than this. This is a mockery of the Georgian people, any person who was simply informed, and the wider Georgian public. I think that our European partners and colleagues should be careful in terms of these relationships when they listen to Adeishvili, let alone talk to him when he speaks about the principles of criminal law because in reality, he is talking about the principles of refining torture – nothing else can emerge from his mind, it is inconceivable,” Mamuka Mdinaradze stated.
According to him, this insult affects not just the justice system but also the people of Georgia and every person who has heard about Adeishvili.
“How can you let Adeishvili talk about reforms? A journalist might ask me with a straight face: was Adeishvili not a reformer? They consider Adeishvili to be a reformer, and then we have to talk about what is true and what is a lie. There are journalists here who consider Adeishvili and Saakashvili to be reformers. Our European partners and their representatives meet with him [Adeishvili]. This is an insult to justice, truth, and morality; it is an insult to the Georgian people and society when they listen to Adeishvili and let him talk about principles. If there"s anything that could foster anti-Western perceptions in this country, this is likely it – we are constantly trying to communicate this and convince them of this, and it would be very good if they were convinced, I can say with full responsibility. When they talk with Adeishvili about the principles of law, do you know what this is? I think that someone deliberately wants to stir up anti-European sentiments in Georgia so that they can stand and shout about pro-Russianness from morning to evening,” Mamuka Mdinaradze stated.