27 July 2024,   04:37
We will make an independent decision, which in this case may not suit anyone except Georgia, but we act in the interests of Georgia - Mdinaradze on the Bill on Transparency

We will make an independent decision, which in this case may not suit anyone except Georgia, but we act in the interests of Georgia. Such a statement made today the leader of the parliamentary majority, Mamuka Mdinaradze, at the sitting of the Legal Issues Committee, where he presents the draft law “On the Transparency of Foreign Influence”.

“During all these days, a lot of disinformation regarding the draft law was spread. For a year, we have been witnessing that big affair, as if this law is Russian.

I will confirm with full responsibility, here, no matter how sensational it may seem to someone, it is not the Russian law! I agree with you, the Russian law will not be accepted in Georgia! No slavery at the same time! And we will make an independent decision, which in this case may not suit anyone except Georgia, but we act in the interest of Georgia”, - said Mamuka Mdinaradze.