27 July 2024,   04:14
In France, secret investigative activities based on algorithmic techniques are allowed in the only case, which is the fight against terrorism, and the other is allowed in relation to the purposes of this law – Mdinaradze

In France, secret investigative activities based on algorithmic techniques are allowed in the only case, which is the fight against terrorism, and the other is allowed in relation to the purposes of this law. Such a statement made today Mamuka Mdinaradze, Chairman of the Georgian Dream faction, in his comments over the domestic bill “On Transparency of Foreign Influence”.

“They even made a mistake, in the initiated project, even European countries were in the coverage area of the law. Speaking of strictness, in France covert investigative activities based on algorithmic techniques are allowed in the only case, which is the fight against terrorism, and the other is allowed in relation to the purposes of this law.

And we are talking about why the monitoring is done in 6 months and why the declaration should be filled in a year”, - said Mamuka Mdinaradze.