27 July 2024,   05:05
The draft law “On Transparency of Foreign Influence” to be presented at the plenary session today

The draft law “On Transparency of Foreign Influence” to be presented at the plenary session today.

Yesterday the Legal Issues Committee of the Parliament supported the mentioned bill. The draft law is identical in content to the draft initiated in 2023 and dropped in the background of protests.

The document provides for the registration of non-entrepreneurial (non-commercial) legal entities and media outlets as organizations carrying out the interests of a foreign power, if certain volume of their income - in particular, more than 20% - is received from abroad.

According to the draft law, everyone who is considered to be an “organization carrying the interests of a foreign power” must be registered in the public register under the same name in a mandatory manner. At the time of registration, it will be necessary to reflect the received income. At the same time, the organizations will have the obligation to fill in the financial declaration every year.

The draft law, “in order to identify the organization carrying out the interests of a foreign power” gives the Ministry of Justice the authority to study and monitor the issue at any time.

The basis for starting the monitoring will be the decision of the relevant authorized person of the Ministry of Justice and the written statement submitted to the Ministry, which “contains an appropriate reference related to a specific organization carrying out the interests of a foreign power”.

Avoiding registration as an organization carrying out the interests of a foreign power or not filling out the declaration will result in the organization being fined in the amount of GEL 25 000.

The draft also envisages the following types of fines: GEL 10 000 if the organization does not fill out the application. In case of non-correction of defects in the documents within the specified period – GEL 10 000. Committing an offense after a month – GEL 20 000.