27 July 2024,   03:51
Preventing “Ukrainization” is essential for Georgia’s integration into the EU – Prime Minister

The Prime Minister of Georgia said today that the bill “On Transparency of Foreign Influence” is “primarily aimed at protecting Georgia from “Ukrainization”, strengthening the country’s sovereignty, and ensuring its stable development”.

“If the NGOs had achieved what they were actively trying to do between 2020 and 2022, which was to change the Government through a revolution, today Georgia would have been in a worse situation than Ukraine, which means that both peace [in the country] and the European integration would have been left behind.If specific NGOs had succeeded in what they were trying to do - making a revolution, in this case, both the peace and the European integration would have been left behind. Thank God, their efforts were unsuccessful.

The bill is primarily aimed at protecting Georgia from Ukrainization, strengthening the sovereignty and ensuring [the country’s] stable development, which is a necessary condition for Georgia"s integration into the EU. Avoiding Ukrainization is a necessary condition for Georgia’s integration into the EU, and this is the main goal of this bill. Accordingly, the bill will not distance Georgia from Europe, but it will qualitatively bring us closer to the achievement of our main foreign policy goal - integration into the EU. This is a very important condition for EU integration.

The bill on the transparency of foreign influence aims first of all to protect Georgia from Ukrainization - to strengthen the sovereignty of Georgia and to ensure the stable development of the country, which is a necessary condition for the integration of Georgia into the EU. Avoiding Ukrainization is a necessary condition for Georgia’s integration into the EU, and this is the main goal of the bill”, - said Irakli Kobakhidze.