27 July 2024,   04:26
Our voice will be heard at the next elections on October 26, it is very important that we have NGOs that can do their work until then - President

In her interview with BBC News, the President of Georgia said that the Bill on Transparency is “a direct provocation”, a way to obstruct the EU integration and “to put obstacles to free and fair elections” calling the upcoming Parliamentary elections a “main test”.

Asked if she thought this law meant that Georgia’s chances of joining the EU could be dashed, Salome Zourabichvili said: “It’s a law that clearly shows the intent of some in power to obstruct our way to EU integration, but people are determined to go that way. The main test will be on October 26 with the elections. The law is also a way to put an obstacle to free and fair elections. However, I believe that this will not happen due to the protests of the Georgian people”.

The President also confirmed that she would veto the law, just as she had done with other Georgian Dream’s laws, adding: “My veto is the voice of the people, and it will be heard loud and clear”.