21 September 2024,   07:26
Georgian Dream introduced a constitutional provision stating that integration into both the EU and NATO is a constitutional duty of Government – Kobakhidze

Georgian Dream introduced a constitutional provision stating that integration into both the EU and NATO is a constitutional duty of Government. Such a statement the Prime Minister of Georgia made at the meeting with the hosts of public political talk shows.

“First and foremost, regarding the government’s policy and overall vision, there has been a lot of speculation recently, including about the foreign policy. Some have suggested that the recently introduced bill could change the country’s foreign policy direction, which is a gross speculation and manipulation. I want to reiterate that the Government has a clear direction, and it is not just a general direction but is directly outlined in the Constitution of Georgia.

In 2017, without opposition support, Georgian Dream introduced a constitutional provision stating that integration into both the European Union and NATO is a constitutional duty of the Government.

Therefore, our political and foreign policy direction is clear, and we have specific achievements and results. All tangible achievements on the path to EU integration have been made under Georgian Dream governance, including the signing of the association agreement, the DCFTA [Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Agreement], visa liberalization, and receiving candidate status. All of these results were achieved under our Government.

We are urging our partners to strengthen Georgia’s ties with the EU and the US. We are requesting the US to grant visa liberalization to our citizens, which we believe will not burden the US. We also want to sign a free trade agreement and provide direct flights to the US.

Regarding the EU, our request is to begin negotiations with Georgia in December when the decision is expected. Our stance is clear: we seek more engagement and closer cooperation. We are open to even stronger relations between Georgia and the EU and the US. We welcome the steps taken in this direction and hope for further progress. This is our mindset and our position”, - said Irakli Kobakhidze.