27 July 2024,   03:58
Ministry of Internal Affairs arrested 2 persons for property damage committed in group

The employees of the Central Criminal Police Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, as a result of the operational measures and investigative actions, arrested O.O. (DoB 2005) and previously convicted S.M. (DoB 2001).

The committed crime envisions up to 6 years of imprisonment.

The investigation established that on May 14 of the current year, during the ongoing manifestation in the vicinity of the building of parliament building, S.M. and O.O. together with other individuals, deliberately damaged the iron protective barrier, using both physical force and an iron object.

The Ministry of Internal Affairs continues investigative activities in order to identify and arrest other persons involved.

The investigation is being conducted under Article 187, Part II, Sub-paragraph “c” of the Criminal Code of Georgia, which refers to damaging an object committed in group.