27 July 2024,   04:24
Several opposition parties join “Georgian Charter” offered by the President

At the event dedicated to Independence Day, the President of Georgia presented an action plan called “Georgian Charter” and offered political parties to reach an agreement around it.

The document “reflects the order and demand of the society, it also serves in its essence and spirit to take the main steps that are of existential importance for the society today. The steps, which the signatories of this charter undertake, also echo the 9 points of the European recommendation”.

Several opposition parties join the “Georgian Charter” initiated by Salome Zourabichvili.

“The United National Movement welcomes the new initiative of the President of Georgia, the purpose of which is to form a common vision of the pro-Western parties regarding the steps and reforms related to joining the European Union”, - reads the statement of the UNM.

“It is a very important charter, it is necessary for the country, it is an important commitment, it is a necessary commitment for the country’s European future. Therefore, Lelo will certainly join this charter. We believe that its implementation will definitely make the country a member of the European Union”, said Badri Japaridze, one of the leaders of Lelo party.

“Girchi – More Freedom and Droa welcome the initiative of Salome Zourabichvili, which envisages the agreement of the parties around a unified vision of reforms necessary for the opening of negotiations with the EU, and we will sign the Georgian Charter”, – reads the joint statement of the parties.

Strategy Agmashenebeli announced its alignment with the Charter. The party praised the initiative for its focus on bolstering Georgia’s European trajectory and called for unity among pro-Western parties: “Strategy Agmashenebeli joins the Georgian Charter initiated by the President”.

Nika Gvaramia, the leader of the Akhali party, also announced that he would sign the Charter: “Even more important than the content is the principle that Salome Zourabichvili becomes the centre of gravity around which the struggle for the main goal – the western future of Georgia, will be united”.

“My political position, as one of the leaders of European Georgia, is that all responsible forces must join the President’s messages. In my party, I don’t want to speak instead of someone else, but I will risk predicting that my political team will be in full agreement regarding these issues”, - said leader of European Georgia, Giga Bokeria.