08 September 2024,   03:42
We all saw in the committee hearing yesterday when, in relation to the President’s veto, the President didn’t have a single legal argument - Kadagishvili

The truth cannot be harmful, perceiving the truth and getting used to it is sometimes painful, but, in the end, this truth will be the one that will strengthen Georgia. Such a statement made Irakli Kadagishvili, MP from the Georgian Dream.

“The veto will be overcome at today’s session, because it is a Georgian law. We all saw in the committee hearing yesterday when, in relation to the President’s veto, the President did not have a single legal argument as to why this law is either Russian, or why this law is anti-democratic, or why this law is discriminatory.

In other words, they did not have an answer to any of the questions that were asked regarding the veto. We repeat to you once again that all of us, be they partners or the whole world, in our relations and we in our relations with them must send a clear message regarding the fact that Georgia adopts only those laws that are in the interests of the country, that do not legally contradict any internationally recognized standards and transparency.

This is the basis of democracy. We say once again that the truth cannot be harmful, perceiving the truth, getting used to it is sometimes painful, but, in the end, this truth will be the one that will strengthen Georgia, and a strong Georgia means a strong partner, including for the European Union”, - said Irakli Kadagishvili.