26 June 2024,   14:57
In order to implement the Anaklia Port project, Khazaradze didn’t manage to attract investors from any area, including a Chinese company, therefore, this is his responsibility - Prime Minister

In order to implement the Anaklia Port project, [Mamuka] Khazaradze did not manage to attract investors from any area, including a Chinese company, therefore, this is his responsibility. Such a statement made today the Prime Minister of Georgia.

“We have heard a lot of speculations regarding the Chinese company. At this time, it is one of the largest Chinese state-owned companies with the greatest experience, including the implementation of this type of projects. A very good application was submitted regarding the development of this project. Therefore, the winning of this tender by the Chinese company guarantees that the Anaklia project will be implemented at the highest level.

As for the political opponents, who were involved in the processes surrounding Anaklia, let us remind you that the state has repeatedly denied them the opportunity to attract an investor, however, over the years, they have never been able to attract an investor. This is their responsibility, although they try to shift this responsibility to someone else. Our responsibility is to develop this project, it is our interest.

The implementation of this project with the participation of a Chinese company is particularly important due to the fact that Chinese cargoes are of particular importance for the most effective operation of this port. Therefore, the speculations are out of place, although we see that whoever started these speculations receives grant funding from dubious foreign sources, and this is what dictates the anti-Chinese campaign conducted by the relevant politicians and their NGOs”, - said Irakli Kobakhidze.