29 September 2024,   03:38
We will consider all options, including suspending the visa-free regime, but, in my opinion, this should not happen, citizens of Georgia should not be punished - Herczyński

We will consider all options, including suspending the visa-free regime, but, in my opinion, this should not happen, citizens of Georgia should not be punished. Such a statement made the EU Ambassador to Georgia.

“As the leaders of the European Union have said more than once, if the law of “Transparency of foreign influence” is adopted - unfortunately, it will have consequences for the relations between the European Union and Georgia.

Unfortunately for us, the law was finally enacted. We have started an internal discussion on the consequences among the 27 member states. The member states asked the EU institutions to prepare a “menu” of different measures that could be presented.

As you heard from the President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, all options are being considered.

All options mean exactly all options. Member states are considering different options. I hope that on June 24, when the foreign ministers meet again in Luxembourg, they will be in a position to decide what options to take.

The President of the European Council, Charles Michel, also announced that the European Council will discuss the issue of Georgia in a few days, at the end of June. So I expect the leaders to consider the options and then they will decide.

On our part, what we want to achieve is really not to punish the citizens of Georgia. So all options mean all options, including the possible suspension of the visa-free regime, but in my opinion it should not happen, but unfortunately I am not in a position to tell you whether it will happen or not. This is a decision that depends on the 27 member states of the EU”, - said Paweł Herczyński.