29 September 2024,   03:37
Prime Minister’s participation in the Ukraine aid conference is another proof that Georgia is doing its best to help a country in a state of war - Darchiashvili

The visit of the Prime Minister of Georgia to Berlin and his participation in the Ukraine aid conference is another proof that Georgia is doing everything within its capabilities to help the country, which is currently in a state of war. Such a statement made the Georgian Foreign Minister, while commenting the visit of Irakli Kobakhidze to Germany.

“On June 11 and 12, an international forum on Ukraine aid is being held in Berlin, where world leaders will gather and discuss how to find the next aid for Ukraine to deal with all the challenges that the war-torn country faces today.

The Head of the Georgian Government, like other leaders, will take part in this event. He will have a specific address in this roundtable format, and then he will have a separate statement that he will make in terms of support for Ukraine.

I think that it is very important to participate in this format, Georgia has always helped Ukraine within the limits of all possibilities in recent years.

The visit of the Prime Minister of Georgia to Berlin and his participation in this conference is another proof that Georgia is doing everything within its capabilities to help the country, which is currently in a state of war”, - said Ilia Darchiashvili.