29 September 2024,   04:42
On May 17, when near a million Georgian citizens stepped out marching in the streets of Tbilisi and regions, thus the referendum has been factually achieved on the draft constitutional laws - Papuashvili

The Steering Commission on the Universal-Public Consideration of the Draft Constitutional Laws presumes that the requirements established for the consideration of the Draft Constitutional Laws have been adhered to and the hereof Draft Constitutional Laws are ready to be discussed by the Committees and at the plenary session pursuant to the Constitution of Georgia and the Rules of Procedure, the Chair of the Steering Commission on the Universal-Public Consideration of the Draft Constitutional Laws, the Speaker of the Parliament said at the plenary session when introducing the outcomes of the activity of the Commission.

On April 3, 2024, 83 Members of Parliament submitted the Draft Constitutional Changes and the Draft Constitutional Law on Protection of Family Values and Minors in a legal initiative order.

On April 16, 2024, pursuant to Article 125 of the Rules of Procedure, the Parliament set up the Steering Commission on the Universal-Public Consideration of the Draft Constitutional Laws. The hereof Draft Constitutional Laws were promulgated for universal-public consideration and available for society.

The Steering Commission on the Universal-Public Consideration of the Draft Constitutional Laws has held meetings in the regions [Kutaisi, Ambrolauri, Ozurgeti, Batumi, Zugdidi, Mestia, Rustavi, Telavi, Borjomi, Gori] and Tbilisi with the participation of the Commission members, MPs, the representatives of the academic and professional circles, civil society and the population.

The protocols of all meetings and the video footage are uploaded on the Parliamentary website and YouTube channel.

“Besides, on May 16, a meeting was held with the religious confessions in Tbilisi to introduce the Drafts. At all meetings held in the regions and with the religious confessions, the attendees expressed their full support to the Drafts. Overall, up to 5000 persons participated in the meetings. At the considerations, they were asked to express their positions, which were all supportive.

In addition, on May 17, as called on and organized by the Patriarchate of Georgia, a universal rally was held on the occasion of the Day of Sanctity of Family.

Near million Georgian citizens stepped out marching in the streets of the Capital and the regions, thus, the referendum has been factually achieved on the Draft Constitutional Laws and the immense support to all the Drafts by our society was witnessed countryside. Providing all aforementioned, the Steering Commission on the Universal-Public Consideration of the Draft Constitutional Laws considered the universal consideration accomplished”, - said Shalva Papuashvili.