06 September 2024,   09:37
Most likely, Gakharia will be instructed to join Lelo, because with the current configuration, Lelo won’t be able to approach the 5% threshold, opposition receives assignments from outside - Mdinaradze

Most likely, [Giorgi] Gakharia will be instructed to join Lelo, because with the current configuration, Lelo will not be able to approach the 5% threshold. Such a statement made today Mamuka Mdinaradze, the leader of parliamentary majority.

“The configuration of the opposition is not decided by the opposition itself, because it is decided by their external task-givers. A few days ago, Giorgi Gakharia tested the message that Lelo should be saved from being affiliated with the [United] National Movement and what reaction he got to this?

They refrained from the union because everyone understood that “being excessively principled” was not good for the unity of Gakharia and Mamuka Khazaradze. After that, as evil voices say, the parties of Ana Dolidze and Levan Tsutskiridze, who had been intended for Gakharia, were transferred to Lelo, now they will test the ratings and then give them a new task.

Gakharia is likely to be instructed to join Lelo anyway, because Lelo will still not get close to the 5% threshold in the current configuration. This is just a version we can either trust or not trust”, - explained Mamuka Mdinaradze.