08 September 2024,   04:39
Aleko Elisashvili joins the union of “Lelo”, Ana Dolidze and “Freedom Square”

Aleko Elisashvili, the leader of “Citizens” party, joined the union of “Lelo”, “Ana Dolidze-for the People” and the “Freedom Square” movement.

Mamuka Khazaradze, the leader of “Lelo” party, posted a photo taken with Aleko Elisashvili on the social network.

According to the existing information, the name of the new union will be “For Strong Georgia”.

“Lelo” opposition party held the presentation of the pre-election union last week, where it was noted that it will expand even more in the near future.

The merger of these 3 political parties was announced on July 17 during a presentation event.