29 September 2024,   05:19
Georgia reached “all-time high”, ranking 34th in the world, making significant progress over the past 11 years - Confidence Dimension Index

The Varieties of Democracy Institute [V-Dem] published the Confidence Dimension Index, which showed that Georgia had reached “all-time high”, ranking 34th in the world and making significant progress over the past 11 years.

The Index measures to what extent the power base of the head of the executive power is determined by legislative confidence.

“Georgia has shown remarkable improvement since 2012, advancing from the 74th position to the 34th over the past 11 years. This progress places Georgia in the top-10 globally in terms of improvement in the Index”, - reads the report.

It highlights that Georgia’s current standing surpasses or equals that of many developed countries, including members of the G7, NATO, and the EU.

Specifically, Georgia ranks ahead of the US, France, Cyprus, South Korea, and Singapore, and is on par with countries such as Belgium, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Luxembourg, Greece, Lithuania, New Zealand, Slovenia, Hungary, and Malta.