29 September 2024,   05:36
Ruling of the International Court of Arbitration on Anaklia port project absolutely logical - Kobakhidze

The ruling of the International Court of Arbitration in relation to Anaklia port project was absolutely logical. Such a statement made today the Prime Minister of Georgia.

His comment followed after that the arbitration confirmed that the Georgian Government had terminated the investment agreement with the Anaklia Development Consortium legally and the plaintiff’s demand for compensation of USD 1.5 billion had been completely rejected.

“This is absolutely logical. The Georgian state created all the conditions for Mamuka Khazaradze’s consortium in order to attract investors. The process was also postponed several times by the Government"s decision, but in none of the cases Khazaradze was able to attract investors, he miscarried this most important project and then sued the state. He demanded millions from the state for the damages he allegedly suffered.

The arbitration has established the truth in this case and it is absolutely logical. Khazaradze was defeated because he miscarried the most important project of Anaklia.

Because of this project, we even made amendments to the constitution, because it would be easier for Khazaradze to attract investors, although he could not attract a single investor, and all this was properly determined by the arbitration”, - said Irakli Kobakhidze.