29 September 2024,   09:19
The fact that Georgian Dream is the undisputed leader for the parliamentary elections is evidenced not only by sociological survey, but also by the reality of our opponents - Rati Bregadze

Everyone is aware that Mikheil Saakashvili is legally serving his sentence and his rights are protected, writes the Minister of Justice on his Facebook page.

“The United National Movement, which acts against Georgia on false accusations and officially pays money to sanction our country, should not put their hope in voters ahead of the parliamentary elections scheduled for October 26.

The Georgian Dream party is the undisputed” leader for the parliamentary elections as evidenced not only by sociological surveys, but also by the reality of our opponents.

Our opponent is one, and it is the collective United National Movement. That is, the United Bolshevik Movement.

Saakashvili had sought to convince the public that he was allegedly a political prisoner who was being tortured, inhumanely treated, and his rights were violated as part of a funded international campaign.

Today, everyone knows that Saakashvili is legally serving his sentence and his rights are protected.

As a result, a party that acts against Georgia with false accusations and officially pays money to sanction our country should not put hope in voters”, - writes Rati Bregadze.